Who Am I?

In the past, this three-word question would frighten me. 

I could not help but answer this question by bringing up all my mistakes first as if I had to explain myself. 

Imagine being in front of a judge and jury, standing there alone explaining your mistakes, the shame, the guilt, and embarrassment taking over. I felt this every time I faced this question who are you?

It is as I let my mistakes define me. One day I was visiting a friend in Big Bear. The conversations exposed our vulnerabilities. I opened up about my mistakes: what I have learned from them,  

and how my mistakes have kept me from chasing some of my dreams and goals. 

At this moment, my friend said to me, 

"Melissa, your past is a part of your story, but it's not a part of your story right now."

I felt every word she said, down to my core. The weight uplifted from my soul was freeing; I felt free. I began to cry as she reminded me of all the lovely qualities I possess and began to list all the things she admired about me. 

Right now, you are probably wondering what's this gotta do with telling me who you are?

Dear reader, it has everything to do with who I am. 

The question is not who I am; but 

Who I am right now.

And right now, I am an entrepreneur. I am a compass seeking direction, navigating my business, building a brand, creating a community, and trying to be a leader. 

I am a seed seeking growth in the areas; of my life that make me better. And challenge me to step out of my comfort zone.

I am a learner, learning: 

  • Flow and function

  • Self-forgiveness and what that means in my life

  • Help, how to ask for it and accept it

  • Coach, how to best serve my athletes

  • Celebrating my wins, big or small

I am a "Cabrona with a big heart" passionate about being in service to others and being the cheerleader for those around me. 

I am playful; childlike playing outside. I will choose the mountains over the beach any day.  

I am an advocate for equality, diversity, and inclusion in outdoor spaces. I see the value and impact this space has. 

Lastly, I am UESCA ultra running coach certified. I am NOLS wilderness first responder certified as well as a dog mom. 

So, if you ever find yourself trying to answer the big question, know it is about who you are right now. Let go of the pressures and live your truth. 

Happy Trails!

Quote of the Week: 

“If there is one lesson I've learned from failure and success, it's this. I am not the outcome. I am never the result. I am only the effort.”

― Kamal Ravikant, Live Your Truth

Song of the Week: Seize the Power by YONAKA


I am Afraid


You Are Destined for Greatness